Saturday, September 10, 2011

It`s Saturday, September 10th - HOW CAN YOU BE THINKING ABOUT SHOPPING?!?

One day removed from
the 10th Anniversary
of the tragedy
that marked
the ``Notties``
(THE 2000`s)
- do you now?!?

Whether you`re in Europe
feeling somewhat unconcerned
and sought to buy new furniture at Como
in bulk at Metro
or tons of cheap stuff at Billa

Or you`re in America,
feeling enough time has passed
and enough water under the bridge
(as they say - but who are ``they`` really...)
and feel like Linen Chest luxury
Sobey`s GMO food
and other chemical-filled goodies
at a myriad other places...

Well, pause for a second now

And think
of those who have died
on that day
and ever since...

They`re not buying anything anymore.
The consuming has ceased for them - permanently.

Then resume your shopping spree -
if you have the heart for it,
of course. 

Sempre Por O Melhor