Monday, April 17, 2017

Shopping Around...

The front of a business - any business, really; whatever it is selling - 
is of the utmost importance: because you are selling yourself 
before you get any chance to sell your c... stuff, yes! 

The goal is to lure the potential customer *inside*... 

Once that guy or gal is inside, though... 
anything goes. 

Prices will vary - wildly! 

From the kids' room stuff to the kitchen... 

- everything is in the presentation - to make you buy! 

And from there... we can go to the adult stuff! 


The merchandising skills are almost unnecessary here  - 
this stuff sells itself off the shelves! 

... but would you have some FOOD with that? 
CANNED - but still...
You can't drink all that 
on an empty stomach now - come on! 
Try some of these... 

Beware of false advertisements though!

No squid... inside a bottle of Squid?!? 
How infuriating is that! 

Salt... And sugar, though... 

One wonders how much sugar Joe has, too...? 

Better head for the healthy products... 

Although something always pushes us towards the CANS... 

Fascinating, is it not: 
one lime-green pack of sardines reads ''Mediterranean style'' 
and the other one (right below it) reads ''Agadir style'' - huh?
Agadir? What is that? From the land of Ali Baba? 
Maybe something along the lines of...

Freshly (or nutso-freshly) brewed coffee? 
This might go well with it...

Maybe they'll be better... with beer, actually? 
Some, however, can only swear by Wine & Cheese... 

Lunchtime! I think...
What could be better than... wieners? 

Now this is taking the licensing thing overboard... 

It'll be real meat for me, thank you very much: spicy sausages!

More beer with that...? 

You're not the only ones who want to eat, however - 
gotta think of the cats too...!
Detour by aisle 12... 

And the dogs... 

And... now that that's all taken care of... 
more stuff for ourselves to munch on!  

... so, some guy named Rufus 
made some sauce... 
Teague - you're out of your league! 
You can't compete with Newman's Ghost! 

Let's move on - to the real munchies aisle - again! 

But you're bound to get thirsty -AGAIN- with all that salty stuff! 

Gotta love the concept behind... simply selling H20. 

Sweetened liquids may make one think of tomorrow's breakfast...? 
(I tell ya: shopping is never done...)

And... hey... it's Easter! 

Gotta support the monks(ey) business... 

Perhaps the strangest mish-mashed merchandising ever: 
maple syrup, wine and cheeze whiz clones... 

Trying to escape now - 
but we run into the hottest licensed products that way! 

And the not-so hot ones; poor cousin Marvel... 

We will admit to putting 
out of its misery; 
just to look at 
the cookies inside...

Not even sure who all these characters are - 
did Wonder Man actually make the cut?!? 
He's not even in the movies!!! 
(For obvious reasons, we think...) 
The top three cookies: 
the shield... the logo... and the broad! 
(because, mercifully, she doesn't look like Scarlett Johannson!)

Cookies for me to poop on -  
as a certain somebody would say... 
And speaking of which... 

Gotta make absolutely sure we have got all we need 
in this particular department- 
and, is it because it is Easter and all...? 
Here's the Tuff Bunny! 
We'll go with that! 

From one bunny to another... 

And we're not done shopping - like, at all. 

Oh - what a deal! 

Ah, but thinking of those cats... 

Makes one feel... dirty, too! 
How about a long bath, once we finally get home - hmm? 

That's another 20$ right there - by today's pricings! 
Anyway - think of a nice relaxing evening afterwards, 
just sprawled out watching TV... 

Alas... Shitty TV can only lead us to... 

''We're number 2! We're number 2!'' 
Sold 2 by 2 -  but(t) of course!

Maybe we're better off toying around indeed - 
for our guaranteed entertainment! Always wondered who would win: 
the Ugglys... the Ooshies... or the... Figz?!?

Onwards to more... distinguished characters now! 

My all-time favorite Thunderbird: Aquanaut Gordon Tracy! 

The Nameless Thunderbird!
Some budding kleptomaniac kid stole... his name only?!? 
We don't have the shoplifters that we used to, anymore! 

Kayo...?!?  No idea who that is! 

Must be a first: action figure of a dead person... 
recently deceased... same difference.
A tad too lugubrious, even for me! 
Maybe all I want is... a fishie? 

Yikes - costs more than a real Goldfish! 
And finding Dory is just as expensive... 

WOW - this is the surefire sign that a retailer 
cares about his customer-base; 
when it gives it so much CHOICE  
merely for shopping accessory 
- such as a basket!!! 
Imagine the day 
when they equal the offer 
in the CARTS too - 
your choice of shopping cart, ma'am
the good ol' push-it-yourself model, 
the motorized vroom-vroom one 
or... self-driven! 

but back to shopping now... 

No idea what they were thinking here: 
frozen advertised in the light bulb & sandwich bags aisle! 
Bag your leftover slices...? 
By the light of this bulb...? 
Taste the quality...?!? 
Totally and completely clueless, these clutzes...! 

and guess who's there, right across the aisle from this stuff? 

He's ba-ack! 
And he's got super... competition! 
Super Heroes are trendy right now - 
so it is not surprising at all 
that ''selection'' here 
created their entire team 
of bathroom tissue & paper towels 

''Value'' would be an Aquaman for sure - 
super-absorbing, get it - while ''ultra'' is a Superman clone... 
But, for our money, ''eco-woman'' is the real deal here! 
(Based upon Wonder Woman's success, of course!) 
Note that, though they surely tried, they couldn't come up 
with a Batty Man clone who'd make sense 
wiping wetness and dirt off counters...! 

Unless the brooding tiger cub looking down on the aisle 
is supposed to be filling in for Bats...? 
A supermarket is, so often, just like Gotham... True! 

Not sure why but, it never fails: 
after shopping for the rolls and watching TV, 
 it's a lengthy session of sitting on the THRONE... 

Hmm... isn't that that very same broad from earlier? 
She jumped from that pathetic sinking ship ''Derelict'' 
(whatever - where she was ''Nadine'' or something!)
right onto her very own PLAN B - 
as far away from the crap mustered by 
the renowned Lesbienne Farouche - 
but dangerously close to my kinda fare now!!! 
But that's another story... 
''Plan B'' will go the way the other one went - 
straight to ''les oubliettes'' - hahaha! 
Let,s have a snack now - 
as we zap through the channels 
in search of something watchable... 

Aw... here are the affordable Goldfishies! 
Subjected to violence, have they been...? 

Arrrgghhh... damn monkey! 

Now this is the good stuff - jarred!

Oops - just like that - the night has gone by! 
Time for breakfast - a quick fix... 

Aren't we lucky indeed 
that we could find such a deal 
on fac-simile, sugar-coated oatmeal - HUH? 

The most important aisle of all in a store - 
the checkout queue!!! 
Some places, far more advanced than the traditional 
North American model (read: European!) 
will have all sorts of goodies 
sprawled out neatly, on your way to the cash register... 
Most places, though, still stick to the 
time-honored, proven lures: 

Luminous... her?!? HA!!! 

pause... pause! 
So nice you have to say it twice... or thrice 

oh yeah - magazines aren't dead yet; 
they're trying damn hard to stay alive! 
Just like JJ...

Careful there, JJ - 
you cannot believe everything you read 
in those, ah... magazeeeeeeeeenzzz
You better do as I do - resist temptation 
from picking up ANY of them...! 
One last ''impulse purchase'' of note, though: 

Not sure what is funniest there: 
that these idiots (the store owners) expect 
anyone to pay two bucks for old chocolate 
-of the cheapest kind to boot- 
solely based on its lone ''merit'' 
of it being an Avengers licensed product... 
OR that this famed European Bear called... BIMBO 
is also there, peddling to the kids passing by! 
(More sugary poisons, of course...)

Oh, the horrors that one sees when one... SHOPS. 

Oh well... 
As long as we brought the bread home... 

And a friend... 
Forget the robot fishie - I want one of these! 

I know, I know - SUPER RMW promises a LOT... 
probably is unable to deliver... 
He's branded as a MADNESS WARRIOR - yet he will 
develop your child's intelligence going forth... 
Rrrrrrrright. Bodes well for the future there! 
It does not compute!!! 
So what? 

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