Friday, November 11, 2011

Consumerism At Its Best - Or At Best!

Ty Bearius? 

And you've got to listen to The Bear!

And to this too:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Now This Is A Painful Shopping Experience!

But, quite frankly, this is what you get to feel like doing, numerous times over, on any given shopping experience - and most especially if you work there, are having a shitty day and get pissed off (again) by the wrong co-worker/so-called manager on duty or D.C. (disrespectful customer) with grubby hands that may walk in from the grimy streets at any given time... 
Blasted wretches!
So many deserve this treatment so bad -
it's not even funny!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

It`s Saturday, September 10th - HOW CAN YOU BE THINKING ABOUT SHOPPING?!?

One day removed from
the 10th Anniversary
of the tragedy
that marked
the ``Notties``
(THE 2000`s)
- do you now?!?

Whether you`re in Europe
feeling somewhat unconcerned
and sought to buy new furniture at Como
in bulk at Metro
or tons of cheap stuff at Billa

Or you`re in America,
feeling enough time has passed
and enough water under the bridge
(as they say - but who are ``they`` really...)
and feel like Linen Chest luxury
Sobey`s GMO food
and other chemical-filled goodies
at a myriad other places...

Well, pause for a second now

And think
of those who have died
on that day
and ever since...

They`re not buying anything anymore.
The consuming has ceased for them - permanently.

Then resume your shopping spree -
if you have the heart for it,
of course. 

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